Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille - 1
Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille - 1
Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille - 1
Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille - 1
Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille - 1
Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille - 1
Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille - 1

Sleeping in the straw

Scheidegger Ranch: Dormir sur la paille

icon-meta-beds25 Beds

Farm located in mountain zone 2 in the Bernese Jura, at 1140 m altitude. Quiet, close-to-nature environment, extensive, sustainable management. Leisure activities available in summer and winter.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

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Peter Scheidegger und Sabrina Kammer
Rière Jorat 2
2720 Tramelan
Icon Kontakt+41 79 670 88 11
